Kevin Watch

Daily postings documenting a new born pigeon and his arrival into the world on a West London balcony. Pigeonwatch is a constant effort to protect a new born baby pigeon from the gourmet restaurants of the nearby upper classes of Notting Hill.

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Location: London, United Kingdom

Friday, April 28, 2006

Welcome to Kevinwatch: Day One

So, a month or two back... this pigeon starts building this nest on our balcony. We thought it would be rude to shoo it away after his contsructive efforts and as it was winter.

We named the pigeon Kevin.

Over breakfast we said hello to Kevin each day and he ruffled his feathers and ignored us.

Then one day, Kevin laid and egg. Seems we are crap at avian recognition.

Today, Kevin hatched Kevin Jr.

In the interests of bird protection from the nearby 5star gastronomes, the following is a daily documentation of Kevin Junior's arrival into the big bad world via West London. If you come across this blog first, please hop on over to my main site: The Bookseller to the Stars.


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