Kevin Watch
Daily postings documenting a new born pigeon and his arrival into the world on a West London balcony. Pigeonwatch is a constant effort to protect a new born baby pigeon from the gourmet restaurants of the nearby upper classes of Notting Hill.
For them, melee wow gold stands next to their hind leg."Don't stand behind her! Who got thrown into the eggs? MINUS FIFTY DKP!!!"Aaaaah, Yahtzee! This post says it all. Fight your raid mobs from the back, nearly wow gold all of them are not friendly to DPSers in the front. As a dagger spec rogue, I could probably describe a boss's rear better than I could wow gold their front, either that or their giant feet.Thanks for all the info! When I am instancing, should I try to stand behind mobs when DPSing? Or is this really only wow gold important in the late game?lmao, this is so true and made me bash my face in my keyboard many of times on my druid.If you're DPSing and a tank has the mob's aggro, you should be behind it as wow gold a melee DPS class.Unless there's something special like a knockback that will send you over an edge, melee should ALWAYS stand behind a mob wow gold if at all possible. You do more damage, the tank takes less damage, and mobs with a cleave won't destroy you. Simply standing behind a mob makes you at least 5% better overall!Description:WOW gold,WOW money,WOW accounts,WOW power leveling wow gold are avalable here that you can get at low price. Action at once!Wow, there wasn't clickable links in mine lol xD Suppose everything is different o.o I use hotmail, probably wow gold why I thought it was fake as well, but here I am happily downloading the beta. I'm going to be just another Northrend noob, but am I going to have some fun wow gold testing out the new rogue tree. you must upgrade an existing wow gold retail account allowing you to connect to the Wrath of the Lich King? test realms.
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