Kevin Watch

Daily postings documenting a new born pigeon and his arrival into the world on a West London balcony. Pigeonwatch is a constant effort to protect a new born baby pigeon from the gourmet restaurants of the nearby upper classes of Notting Hill.

My Photo
Location: London, United Kingdom

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Sunday Balcony

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Saturday balcony

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Trying Again

Well, it's been a funny old couple of weeks on the balcony. Untitled Chick #1 sadly did not make it through the night and when Untitled Chick #2 came onto the scene, he lasted a matter of hours as well. Momma pigeon and Stumpy McFather had taken to very aggressive behaviour against Kevin and chased him away at every available opportunity and since hasn't been seen since.

Parents have kinda ruined the title of this blog. But we hope he comes home for a visit.

I got a bit upset when I had to get rid of the dead baby pigeon carcasses and for a while (well, 2days) chased the parents away too. They emerged again after a few weeks and a couple of weeks ago, two more eggs were laid. They hatched on Sunday and have lasted a couple of days so fingers crossed.

So welcome, George.... and Michael.

I named them after a newspaper story at the weekend. Can you guess which?